History & Facts
School Namesake
After growing up in East Texas and attending high school in Tyler, Willie E. Brown earned both his Bachelor and Masters degrees from Bishop College in Marshall, Texas.
Until his untimely death in 1959, Willie Brown served as a teacher and principal for the Mansfield Independent School District. He also was a dedicated pastor at Antioch Baptist Church in Dallas and the founder of Mount Sinai Institutional Baptist Church in Shreveport, Louisiana.
After his death at the age of 49, Reverend Brown's wife, Emma Pearl Brown, wrote a letter to the school board describing her late husband as "a man that had so much to give and share." Many students in the district were fortunate to have benefited from the knowledge and compassion he so openly shared.
During a difficult time in America's history, Willie Brown offered leadership to a school community that was working through the ending of segregation and the early days of integration. Throughout this period, Reverend Brown was a pillar of the school community.
It is with a great deal of pride that the Mansfield ISD dedicates Willie E. Brown Elementary School to honor the name of a man whose life was a portrait of strong values and principles.
Our Mission
Challenging scholars daily!
School Facts
School Mascot - Eagle
School Colors - Blue, Silver, Black, & White
Grades Taught - Kindergarten through 4th grade
Teacher/Student Ratio - 1:19
School Programs
- Robotics Team Sponsor: Terri Franks
- Running Club Sponsor: Suzanne Gray
- Student/Teacher Mentor Program: Lisa Eubanks
- Eagle Choir Sponsor: Robin Husband