Thanksgiving Luncheon
Thanksgiving Luncheon for Students and Families - RSVP Due Friday, Nov. 10th
Each year our nutrition department hosts a Thanksgiving luncheon for our students, families, and staff. This is one of our favorite days of the year! There is specific information related to this event to ensure everyone has a pleasant experience. Please note the following:
Luncheon Date - Friday, November 17th
RSVP Due - Friday, November 10th
- The luncheon is during the scholars' normal 30-minute lunchtime and each scholar must pay the typical lunch price ($3).
- Up to two parents/guardians/grandparents are welcome to join each scholar. The attending parent can choose to buy a lunch for $5 cash or check or can choose to bring lunch for your scholar.
- Our cafeteria is small and we have lots of students in each grade level. Therefore, we can only allow Two Parents per student. I know this is not ideal, but we have very limited space.
- Small children may not attend due to time and space. Email me separately if we need to explore options for your small child due to childcare constraints. Other school-aged children from different campuses are not allowed to attend due to space!
- Each guest must have a pre-printed Raptor pass. What is a Raptor pass? Raptor is our guest identification system which requires our staff to scan your driver's license to check in to the school as a registered guest. You must bring your license to the front office to scan by Friday, November 10th if you have not had your license scanned either last school year or this school year. You are welcome to come to the office between the hours of 7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
- The RSVP form will close on Friday, November 10th at 3:30 pm.
- We cannot accept walk-up registration or driver's licenses on the day of the event due to time constraints and to ensure that we have an adequate amount of food. It is very important for you to pre-register.
- All guests must stay in the designated areas. We will not visit the classrooms.
- You can check your scholar out after lunch if wish.
- You can eat with all of your WBA children during the earliest scheduled lunch. For example, I have a 2nd grader and a 3rd grader who will both eat the Thanksgiving lunch with their dad during the 3rd grade lunch period because it is the earlier than the 2nd grade lunch period.
I know it seems like a lot of rules and guidelines, but this is the best way to maintain school safety, crowd control, and to allow you to have a good experience while on campus.